June 2009

This blog is moving to Blogspot:  abeilleamiel.blogspot.com.  Thank you for reading 🙂

Just a quick note (more later!) to say that the new home for this blog is now http://abeilleamiel.blogspot.com.  I’ll keep this site up for a while as I move things over, however.

Just heard from my dear friend Seeds in the City that the White House has posted a photo of a frame from one of their beehives (link and photo above), but they state that Charlie Brandts is ‘…(collecting) the first batch of honey from the beehives.’

Mmm, that frame is old. It’s great that they’re keeping people aware of the hives and the garden at the White House, but I hope in future they’ll take just as much care with the information they’re sharing with the world as they do with their intentions.  Luckily comments have been posted below the picture to point this out.

Am at work, so must close for now. 🙂


Bits and pieces of the weekend, in pictures:


But first, a thank you to the computer that makes blogging, art, music, etc. all happen. 


Fresh homemade peach and strawberry cobbler.


Lots and lots of tomatoes (and peas) coming on their way





Sweet Pea and Prayer Flag.



Prayer Flag in the garden.



Ruby Salai supervising.


A field of young sunflowers and raspberries.


Another prayer flag (near the fountain and roses).  There are 5 in all, I think – 3 of them have honeybees on them.  I tried to put one up on the fence near Terpsichore, but several drones gave me warning buzzes, so I honored them from a distance.  They are very, very busy up there.



A prayer flag for a special herb garden – if you look closely, it says ‘Go on, be a devil.’